Labels:cassette tape | compact disk | crt screen | laptop | monitor | windowpane OCR: Home Office Caiber TM MAC DATA STORACE BL-91485/A COMPACT HFS $401K Planner Dictafon Insult Generator Predictaball Bible Agenda Brov Maker ser 'Eliza Press Mac Mac Ha Verter Bu Prize 10 Picker the Day $401K Planner Quote Biblio graphy iocus Voice Manual Maker Reminder Man age Galendar Personal Starry Night Calew orks Golf Meister Warehouse 68K Stock Tracker Designer Draw traph Ease Personal Talking Clock Pro Desk Bots Greatest Paper Warehouse PPC Times of the Sun Airplanes Phone Floater Aztech New Media Corp. has compiled this CD's content from some of the best shareware available as throughout good or the world than The many combined entertainment value STARRY NIGhT in ithis compilation better of today commercially packaged applications. Starry Night technical support customer service day ...